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Sign of the Times: University of Idaho Cutting Math Faculty

March 6, 2009

"I put my heart and soul into my teaching," Judi Terrio said. "I really do love this university. I will miss it dearly."

Terrio, who has taught mathematics at the University of Idaho since graduating from there in 1994, has been told to start looking for another job. "The math department is an excellent department," she told the Argonaut, a university publication. But the department is facing a 7-10% budget cut, which could lead to even more faculty layoffs next year, resulting in larger classes.

"Whenever we have a cutback, it's going to affect how we deliver what we deliver,” said Monte Boisen, mathematics department chair. Boisen has already told six non-tenured math faculty they might be laid off. "We're not going to blindside anyone," he said. "They are a part of our family, and we are very sad about this situation."

Lecturer Gary Peterson, another faculty member under fire, said, "I think it cuts into what the math department views as valuable to undergraduates." Peterson had planned to teach at Idaho for another nine years. Now he'll likely have to look for a job in another field. "I'd prefer to teach math," he said.

Anticipating difficulties, the math department is working to minimize the impact on students. These approaches include offering more classes by cross-listing math courses with the university's physics and engineering departments and sharing classes with Washington State University. The math department also hopes to expand its use of software-based learning systems.

Dean of the College of Science Scott Wood observed, “I think the math department has done a great job of trying to mitigate the effects" of the cutbacks.

Source: The Argonaut, University of Idaho, Feb. 23, 2009.

Start Date: 
Friday, March 6, 2009