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The MAA sponsors several awards recognizing contributions of section members at the Association level.

Awards for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics

Each year, every Section of the MAA is invited to select a college or university teacher to be honored with a Section Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. A suggested procedure for the selection process is contained in the Call for Nominations template found on the Haimo Awards page. Since each Section may modify this suggested procedure and set its own deadlines, those who plan to submit a nomination are urged to contact the secretary of the nominee's Section and also consult the Section web site.

Some sections have a two-part nomination process in which a one-page preliminary nomination form (usually page 1 of the Nomination Form) is submitted by early November. A nominations committee chooses from these and invites their nominators to prepare full nomination packets which are due sometime before early February. The winner of a Section Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics is announced at a special ceremony at the annual meeting of the section, and the recipient is presented with a certificate from the MAA.

Each Section of the Association is invited to nominate one of its members for the Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. Nominations should be sent to the Secretary of the MAA together with the required documentation by August 1. The Section nominee may be the current recipient of the Section Award for Distinguished Teaching or a previous recipient of such an award. The previous award may have been awarded by a Section other than the one submitting the current nomination. Please review the Eligibility and Guidelines for Nomination document on the Haimo Awards page and be sure to use the official Nomination Form found there as well.

Certificate of Meritorious Service

The Certificate of Meritorious Service is an MAA award recognizing individuals who have served their sections and the Association in significant ways over many years. Each section is able to give one award every five years. Click here for a full description of the award and its criteria.

In addition to these Association awards, most sections have annual awards for outstanding teaching or service. Please visit the individual section websites for details.