First published in 1894, The American Mathematical Monthly publishes articles, notes, and other features about mathematics and the profession in ten issues each year. Its readers span a broad spectrum of mathematical interests and abilities.
Della Dumbaugh, Editor,
The American Mathematical Monthly is MAA Member-Access Content
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The American Mathematical Monthly is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality, original expository research. It is read by a diverse and global audience of PhD students, faculty, and math enthusiasts.
The American Mathematical Monthly prioritizes articles that are clear, informative, engaging, and accessible to a broad audience. Articles cover a wide range of mathematical topics including expositions of old or new results, historical or biographical essays, speculations, definitive treatments, broad developments, or explorations of single applications.
The American Mathematical Monthly only publishes manuscripts in English and has a double-blind review policy.
The Monthly considers new, unsolicited manuscripts only once every three months.
The American Mathematical Monthly accepts the following types of articles:
- Articles
- Notes
- Problems and Solutions
- Book Reviews
- Mathbits
- Letters to the Editor
Templates and Style File
Please download and use the LaTeX Style File with the article, note, and filler templates before submitting it to The American Mathematical Monthly.
Refereeing for the American Mathematical Monthly
Problems and Solutions
Consistently the most downloaded section of the Monthly, we invite readers and math enthusiasts to submit original problems that will appeal to the readers of the Monthly. Problem proposals must be accompanied by solutions. Submitted problems should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Book Reviews
Darren Glass - Book Review Editor
Gettysburg College
Department of Mathematics
Gettysburg, PA 17325
History and Past Editors
The Monthly has a rich history. This publication was founded by Benjamin Finkel, a schoolteacher at the Kidder Institute in Missouri, in 1894. Today, the Monthly continues to thrive and provides valuable information to the mathematics community in the present.
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Taylor & Francis
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Reprint Permission
General permission is granted to institutional members of the MAA for noncommercial reproduction in limited quantities of individual articles (in whole or in part) provided a complete reference is made to the source. Reprint permission should be requested from Taylor and Francis. Please use the form below.