Planned Giving

Make the future of mathematics an enduring part of your legacy through the profound impact of a planned gift to the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). As you contemplate the significance of this philanthropic journey, we offer you a range of thoughtful options to include a gift to MAA or the MAA Foundation in your estate plans. These options encompass a spectrum of possibilities that align with your financial goals and values, ensuring your passion for mathematics continues to thrive beyond your lifetime.
Planned Giving Options
Crafting a comprehensive will or trust is an astute way to provide for both your loved ones and the causes that resonate with you deeply. By incorporating a charitable bequest—a gift specified in your will—you forge a connection with the future of mathematics that transcends generations. This approach allows you to leave an indelible mark on the mathematical landscape, contributing to the evolution of education, research, and community engagement.
Naming the MAA as the beneficiary of a financial or retirement account is a strategic avenue to creating a lasting and transformative legacy. By designating the MAA as a beneficiary, you ensure that your support fuels the initiatives that advance mathematical knowledge and exploration.
Your generosity plays an instrumental role in reshaping the perception of mathematics and encouraging a broader audience to embrace its creative potential. By contributing your stock or other securities, you provide essential support for our mission while potentially enjoying significant tax benefits. This method empowers you to make a difference by leveraging your assets to facilitate change.
Unlock the power of giving through your individual retirement account (IRA) and harness the advantage of substantial tax savings. A qualified charitable distribution (QCD), often referred to as an IRA charitable rollover, allows your contribution to make an immediate difference. If you’re aged 70 ½ or older, you have the unique opportunity to donate up to $100,000 annually from your IRA directly to the MAA. This act not only empowers your philanthropy but may also align with your required minimum distribution.
You can name MAA as a beneficiary in your will or living trust (a living trust is a form of will that passes property to heirs outside of probate court), which are simple and flexible gift vehicles. If you decide to make a provision for the MAA, please share the following sample language with your attorney.
“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC EIN
16-0743079, the sum of $________(or percentage of net estate, or a description of the specific asset), income and principal, for the benefit of the Mathematical Association of America and its general Purposes.”
For comprehensive information and personalized guidance on the array of options available for leaving an estate gift that resonates with your vision, please contact our Planned Giving Department. They can be reached at 202-319-8474 or Your investment in MAA's future holds the promise to redefine the landscape of mathematical education, exploration, and enrichment for generations to come.
Legal Names and Federal Tax ID Numbers:
Mathematical Association of America
Mailing Address:
11 Dupont Circle NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036
Contact Us:
Please contact Pete Dohan at or by phone (202) 319-8474