The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) is pleased to announce the results of its recently held elections for new president-elect, vice president, along with the successful approval of its updated bylaws.
President-Elect Jenna Carpenter
Jenna Carpenter, Professor of Engineering and Founding Dean at Campbell University, will take office as the MAA’s new president-elect on July 1, 2024.
Carpenter has supported the MAA in a number of different roles, including at the section and national levels. She has worked to advance MAA programs and initiatives that support members and the work they do.
“I bring a variety of national-level experiences in STEM education, giving me opportunities to develop a solid understanding of the challenges we face, as well as innovative strategies and solutions,” Carpenter said. “I have been able to advocate as a thought leader for changes and new approaches rooted in evidence-based practices. I have [also] taught college math classes for three-and-a-half decades at three very different institutions. These types of experiences are important for anyone aspiring to leadership roles in the MAA.”
Carpenter received her BS in Mathematics from Louisiana Tech University. She was an Alumni Federation Fellow at Louisiana State University, where she received her PhD in Mathematics under the direction of Robert Perlis. Her work focused on quadratic forms over number fields.
“The MAA must continue to advance the understanding of mathematics and its impact on our world, as well as cultivate community, promote inclusivity, lead in communication, and support teaching and learning. As MAA President, it would be an honor to partner with our members and the wider mathematics community to advance this vision,” Carpenter added.
Vice President Rick Cleary
Rick Cleary, Weissman Professor of Business Analytics, Division of Mathematics and Science, at Babson College, will take office as the MAA’s new vice-president on July 1, 2024.
Cleary has supported the MAA by serving several positions in his local MAA section, various committees, and as an editor for MAA’s Scatterplot journal on data science.
“One of the remarkable things about the MAA community is our ability to welcome, inform, and encourage people from a variety of environments and at all stages of their development, from student to retiree,” said Cleary. “I have had the good fortune to teach at many kinds of institutions, from developmental mathematics at a community college to graduate classes in the Ivy League, and at each stage, I have relied on the MAA community to provide me with resources and support.”
Cleary received his BS from the State University of New York (SUNY), College at Oneonta. He earned his MA from the University of Massachusetts (Amherst) and attended Cornell University, where he earned his PhD. Prior to coming to Babson College in 2013, Cleary taught at St. Michael's College in Vermont, Cornell University, Bentley University, and Harvard University.
About MAA
The Mathematical Association of America is the world’s largest community of mathematicians, students, and enthusiasts. We accelerate the understanding of our world through mathematics because mathematics drives society and shapes our lives.