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Professional Development & Resources

MAA-Neff Middle School Partnerships Program

Resource MAA

We are excited to announce a new grant opportunity funded by The John and Mary Neff Foundation focused on the professional development of middle school math teachers. The MAA-Neff Middle School Partnerships Program aims to improve student outcomes in mathematics by supporting initiatives to help middle school math educators improve their instructional practices and overcome instructional challenges.

We welcome proposals from mathematical sciences and mathematics education faculty in partnership with middle school math teachers, K-12 schools and districts, and non-profit organizations.

Call for Proposals

The application portal is now open!
Applications are due by March 31, 2025 by 11:59pm Eastern Time.

Funding Details

  • We anticipate making grants in the range of $10,000-$15,000 for a twelve-month period. 
  • Applications will be accepted from college and university mathematical sciences faculty at accredited U.S. (including U.S. Territory) institutions, accredited K-12 schools or districts, and nonprofit organizations. Applicants from higher education institutions are encouraged to demonstrate a partnership with middle school mathematics educators. Either the middle school teachers or the higher education or non-profit partner may initiate the project and submit the application. 
  • Indirect costs of up to 10% of direct costs are allowable.


Funding for the program is limited, and the MAA will make every attempt to support a broad range of projects from various geographic locations. If any department, district, or nonprofit organization is interested in submitting more than one proposal, the proposals must support different programs and must have different personnel.


This MAA-Neff Middle School Partnerships Program will follow the approximate timeline below.

  • February 3, 2025: Application portal opens.
  • March 31, 2025: Applications are due.
  • April 2025: Notifications of awards.
  • May 2025-June 2026: Project activities.
    • For 2025 awards, all activities should conclude by June 2026. A final report narrative on activities and a final financial report must be submitted by June 30, 2026.

Application Portal Help

Applications must be submitted through AmpliFund, our online application portal. 
→ You may download the Application Form from the portal at any time to review offline. 
→ Create a free account to begin your application.
→ Make sure you complete all required sections and hit Submit before the deadline (note the timezone).

Contact Us

For general questions about the MAA-Neff Middle School Partnerships Program, please email