Curriculum Guide to Majors in the Mathematical Sciences (CUPM)
Developed in 2015 by the MAA Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics, the CUPM Curriculum Guide provides up-to-date guidance to assist departments in their efforts to modernize and improve their programs.
View the CRAFTY: Curriculum Renewal Across the First Two Years Corerequisites here.

View the 2015 CUPM Curriculum Guide to Majors in the Mathematical Sciences here or download the printed version.
Updates and Supporting Documents
2015 Curriculum Guide Steering Committee
Martha Siegel
Chair, Towson University
Carol Schumacher
Chair, Kenyon College
Paul Zorn
Editor, St. Olaf College
Linda Braddy
Tarrant County College
David Bressoud
Macalester College
Jenna Carpenter
Campbell University
Harriet Pollatsek
Mount Holyoke College
Michael Starbird
University of Texas at Austin
Alan Tucker
SUNY Stony Brook
Betsy Yanik
Emporia State University
2009-2015 CUPM Membership
- Kathy Andrist
- Patrick Bahls
- Michael Beals
- Michael Boardman
- Raymond Cannon
- Alfonso Castro
- Dennis DeTurck
- Susanna Epp
- Jennifer Galovich
- Jean Johnson
- Dan King
- Patti Frazer Lock
- Dawn Lott
- David Manderscheid
- Robert McCarthy
- Glenn Miller
- Mike O'Neill
- Mary Pilgrim
- Robert Rogers
- Mark Sand
- Carol Schumacher
- James Sellars
- Michael Starbird
- Irena Swanson
- Gary Towsley
- Alan Tucker
- Elizabeth Yanik
- Katherine Yoshiwara
Course & Program Reports
- Abstract Algebra (current report)
- Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
- Calculus
- Complex Analysis
- Differential Equations
- Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
- Geometry
- Linear Algebra (current report)
- History of Mathematics
- Mathematical Modeling
- Number Theory
- Numerical Analysis
- Partial Differential Equations
- Probability and Stochastic Processes
- Statistics
- Real Analysis
- Topology
- Transitions to Proof
- Actuarial Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics
- Chemistry and Mathematics
- Computational Sciences and Supplement
- Engineering
- Environmental Science and Climate Sciences
- Financial Mathematics
- Mathematical Biology (current report)
- Operations Research
- Physics and Mathematics
- Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Statistics
- Teachers, Mathematical Preparation of Pre-service High School
- Teachers, Mathematical Preparation of Pre-service Middle School
For any questions concerning this Guide please contact Martha Siegel at or MAA Programs at
2015 Curriculum Guide Steering Committee
- Martha Siegel, Chair, Towson University
- Carol Schumacher, Chair, Kenyon College
- Paul Zorn, Editor, St. Olaf College
- Linda Braddy, Tarrant County College
- David Bressoud, Macalester College
- Jenna Carpenter, Campbell University
- Harriet Pollatsek, Mount Holyoke College
- Michael Starbird, University of Texas at Austin
- Alan Tucker, SUNY Stony Brook
- Betsy Yanik, Emporia State University
2009-2015 CUPM Membership
- Kathy Andrist
- Patrick Bahls
- Michael Beals
- Michael Boardman
- Raymond Cannon
- Alfonso Castro
- Dennis DeTurck
- Susanna Epp
- Jennifer Galovich
- Jean Johnson
- Dan King
- Patti Frazer Lock
- Dawn Lott
- David Manderscheid
- Robert McCarthy
- Glenn Miller
- Mike O’Neill
- Mary Pilgrim
- Robert Rogers
- Mark Sand
- Carol Schumacher
- James Sellars
- Michael Starbird
- Irena Swanson
- Gary Towsley
- Alan Tucker
- Elizabeth Yanik
- Katherine Yoshiwara
Funding for the 2015 Curriculum Guide was provided to the MAA by the National Science Foundation (DUE-1228636) . Additional support from the Educational Advancement Foundation (EAF), established by Harry Lucas, is gratefully acknowledged . EAF support allowed the Steering Committee to meet and discuss its ideas with a thoughtful group of mathematicians at several of the annual Legacy of R . L . Moore conferences .