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Displaying 861 - 870 of 1211

The author discusses measuring areas of triangles in a non-Euclidean setting.

A discrepancy in a method popular with carpenters to check a rectangle for squareness is discussed.

In an equilateral triangle, the sum of the distances from any interior point to the three sides is equal to the altitude of the triangle.

The Frobenius Theorem states that if \(d\) is a divisor of the order of a finite group \(G\), then the number of solutions of \(x^d = 1\) in \(G\) is a multiple of \(d\). The article includes...

A 1-1 map is given of the half-open interval (0,1] onto the closed interval [0,1].

Another way of showing that the rationals are countable, relying on constructing a couple of simple functions, is presented.

The authors investigate how to partition the integers into three arithmetic progressions.
A well-known counting formula is presented visually.

A variation of the Hat Problem is discussed.

The authors investigate the problem of dissecting an n-cube into smaller n-cubes.
