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Approved by the MAA Board of Directors on 27 October 2017

The following policies govern donations made to the MAA and the procedures to be followed to establish or augment existing restricted funds to support prizes, awards, programs or other MAA financial expenditures. Donors should consult with the MAA development officer and/or Executive Director in the preparation of a proposal for the establishment of a new fund or modification of an existing fund. Proposals for new funds and/or programs, prizes, awards or significant changes to established funds and/or programs, prizes/awards must be approved by the MAA Board of Directors. These policies are designed to ensure that a clear understanding exists among donors, the Board of Directors, and the staff of the MAA of the terms and conditions regarding restricted funds.

Minimum Gift Amounts

Donor Restricted Funds

A donor restricted fund is a temporarily restricted fund that is designated and used for a specific purpose until the funds are depleted. The minimum amount to establish a donor restricted fund is $25,000. However, the agreed upon amount may be higher than $25,000.

The assets used to create a restricted fund may be either cash or investments that can be readily converted into cash. If the fund is created with investments, the converted value less any applicable brokerage or other related fees will become the amount used to establish the donor restricted fund. Non-liquid gifts such as pledges, real estate, and investments that are not readily convertible into cash will only establish a fund at such time as these assets are converted into cash less any conversion or selling costs.

Endowed Funds

The minimum amount to establish an endowed fund is $500,000. An endowed fund is permanently restricted and the earnings it generates are designated to support a specific program. The earnings of the fund are held in a temporarily restricted fund to be used to support the purpose of the fund. Projected earnings from the endowed fund must exceed projected disbursements. At least half of the total desired principal amount must be received in the first year and the total received within three years in order to establish a permanently restricted fund. If the intended total is not achieved in that time, the amount raised will be held in a temporarily restricted account to be used for the intended purposes of the fund.

Sunset Clause

If a fund is depleted or reaches a level below the minimum required to generate sufficient earnings to support the designated disbursement, then the fund is dissolved and any established program, prize, etc. may be discontinued upon the discretion of the Board of Directors. If the program is discontinued for any reason, then the remaining assets of the fund may be used to best serve the needs of the Association while honoring as closely as possible the donor’s intent.

Annual Disbursements

The preservation and administration of both the permanently restricted and temporarily restricted funds to support prizes, awards, projects, etc. will be governed by policies set and periodically reviewed by the MAA Board of Governors and must conform to all applicable federal and local laws and regulations.

Administrative Fees

All funds are subject to an administrative fee, which will be charged to the fund on an annual basis. Administrative fees are set by the Board of Directors and are subject to periodic review. The applicable administrative fee will be specified in the agreement between the donor(s) and the MAA at the time of the establishment of the fund.

Donor Participation

Donors may participate in an advisory capacity when a fund is established but may not serve in a decision-making capacity regarding fund beneficiaries or be involved in the ongoing management of the fund or related program.

Proposal Preparation

The donor should consult with the MAA development officer and/or Executive Director in the preparation of a proposal for the establishment of a new fund or modification of an existing fund or its purpose. The proposal should lay out the details of the agreement between the donor(s) and the MAA; these details are subject to the terms and conditions specified in these Guidelines.

Periodic Review

Changes to these guidelines must be approved by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will review these guidelines every three years to determine if any changes or modifications are needed.