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Mathematical Association of America Welcomes New and Thanks Outgoing Officers

The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) is happy to welcome the
following members to its Board of Directors:

President, Hortensia Soto
Past President, Jennifer Quinn
Officer-At-Large, Russell Goodman

MAA expresses its sincere gratitude to the following outgoing member of the
Board of Directors for their dedication to the association, community, and
mathematics. We are thankful for her service and leadership.
Officer-At-Large, Emille Davie Lawrence

Hortensia Soto, President
Dr. Hortensia Soto is a Professor of Mathematics at Colorado State University.
She has published in various areas of mathematics education, including
assessment, mathematical preparation of elementary teachers, outreach efforts
for high school girls, and especially in the area of teaching and learning
undergraduate mathematics. Her current research investigates the teaching
and learning of complex analysis, where she adopts an embodied cognition
perspective and is part of the Embodied Mathematics Imagination and
Cognition community. Since her days as an undergraduate student, Hortensia
has mentored young women and promoted mathematics via summer outreach
programs. She has also facilitated professional development for K-16 teachers
in Nebraska, Colorado, and California. As a result of this work, she received the
MAA Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or
University Teaching of Mathematics. Hortensia is a working member of the
Mathematical Association of America: she has served as the Associate
Secretary and is an editor of the MAA Instructional Practices Guide. In her
spare time, she enjoys hiking, practicing yoga, meditating, reading, and, most of
all, spending time with her son Miguel.

Jennifer Quinn, Past President
Dr. Jennifer Quinn is a professor of mathematics at the University of
Washington Tacoma. She earned her BA, MS, and PhD from Williams College,
the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the University of Wisconsin,
respectively. Her first academic position was at Occidental College, where she
rose through the ranks to full professor and chaired the department. At UW
Tacoma, for the past 15 years, she has helped build a mathematics curriculum
on the expanding campus, served four years as Associate Director for
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, and stepped in as Interim Associate Vice
Chancellor for Academic Affairs when needed. Jennifer has held many
positions of national leadership in mathematics, including Executive Director of
the Association for Women in Mathematics, co-editor of MAA’s Math Horizons,
and several positions on the MAA Board of Directors (and its predecessor, the
Executive Council). She received an MAA Haimo Award for Distinguished
College or University Teaching and a Beckenbach Book award for Proofs That
Really Count: The Art of Combinatorial Proof, co-authored with Arthur Benjamin. As a combinatorial scholar, Jennifer thinks that beautiful proofs are as much art as science. Simplicity, elegance, transparency, and fun should be the driving principles. As President of MAA 2021-2022, Jennifer worked to do what was needed when it was required to keep MAA strong and build community during pandemic isolation. Serving as President was a highlight of her professional career, and she looks forward to one more year on the MAA Board of Directors as Past-President.

Russell Goodman, Officer-At-Large
Dr. Russell Goodman is a Professor of Mathematics at Central College in Pella,
IA. He earned his BS and MS from the University of Texas – Arlington and then
his PhD from the University of Oklahoma, all in mathematics. Russell is a
Project NExT Forest Dot (2002) and has served the MAA through the
Committee on the Teaching of Undergraduate Mathematics and the Classroom
Resource Materials Board, along with past leadership in the Iowa MAA section.
At Central, Russell works with students on various data projects, mainly in
sports analytics. He runs his own sports analytics conference and summer
camp, the Midwest Sports Analytics Meeting, and the Midwest Sports Analytics
Camp. He also won Central’s faculty Dr. John Wesselink Award for outstanding
institutional service. One example of that institutional service is his role as an
assistant coach with the Central women’s soccer program as their goalkeeper's
coach. In his spare time, Russell enjoys watching/coaching soccer, running,
reading, all kinds of non-country music, and spending time with his wife, Linda,
and two beautiful daughters, Mia and Brooklyn.