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MAA Welcomes New President and Officer-at-Large

Washington, DC - On Feb. 1, the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) welcomes the following officers to the Board of Directors:

  • President, Michael Dorff, Brigham Young University
  • Officer-at-Large, James Alvarez, University of Texas at Arlington

The Mathematical Association of America expresses its sincere gratitude to the following outgoing officers and members of the Board of Directors for their service to the association and mathematics:

  • Past President, Deanna Haunsperger, Carleton College
  • Officer-at-Large, Jennifer Quinn, University of Washington Tacoma

"We thank Deanna and Jennifer for their hard work and dedication to the MAA and its members," said Michael Pearson, executive director of the MAA. During their tenures on the Board of Directors, the association has adopted a new vision, new core values, and made great strides in fulfilling our mission of advancing the understanding of mathematics and its impact on our world.

About the new MAA Officers

President,Michael Dorff, Brigham Young University

Michael Dorff is department chair and professor of mathematics at Brigham Young University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky. He is co-founder and co-director of the NSF-funded PIC Math (Preparation for Industrial Careers in Mathematical Sciences) sponsored by the MAA and SIAM. He is also the founder and previous director of the NSF-funded Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM). Dorff started the BYU "Careers in Math" Speaker series and the BYU summer 8-week mathematics REU. He is a popular mathematics expository speaker and has received several university and national teaching awards including the MAA Haimo Teaching Award, and BYU's top teaching award, the Maeser Excellence in Teaching Award. Dorff also received a Meritorious Service award as well as a Teaching award from the MAA Intermountain Section.

Officer-at-Large,James Alvarez, University of Texas at Arlington

James Alvarez is a professor of mathematics and Distinguished Teaching Professor at the University of Texas at Arlington. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. Alvarez focuses on increasing access to mathematics through improving the preparation of mathematics teachers, program development, and curriculum development. He has overseen the program mission for Master of Arts programs for secondary teachers at Texas Tech University and The University of Texas at Arlington. He has received numerous awards for service and teaching including the prestigious University of Texas System Regents’ Teaching Award, an MAA Certificate for Meritorious Service, and the MAA Texas Section Teaching Award.