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Loci Browse Articles

Displaying 91 - 100 of 328

A mathlet that allows you to visualize a sequence (or series) of real functions.

This article explores how mathematical techniques, digital images, and dynamic geometry software can be used to analyze a real-world situation originating from poultry science. The topic is mathematical modeling of the shape of an egg, where the underlying question is: What is the volume and surface area of a hen's egg?"

This utility uses the free Flash player plug-in resident in most browsers to allow the user to plot 3D curves and surfaces on a customized scale and dynamically rotate the picture.
A module to introduce students visually (in two dimensions) to iterative methods for solving systems of linear equations
The editor's welcome to the first issue of JOMA
Announcements of events of interest to Loci readers
A Biological ESTEEM module in the BioInformatics Category. This workbook allows the analysis of sample or imported protein sequences.

An article discussing the use of technology in abstract analysis, real analysis, and geometry.

This article presents a fresh look at an age-old calculus optimization problem, the 'box problem.' (Also includes a Student Module condensed from the article.)

This Flash Forum article includes source code and modification instructions that will allow you to customize a grapher for polar and parametric curves in the plane.
