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Recent Progress in the Theory of the Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations

James C. Robinson, José L. Rodrigo, Witold Sadowski and Alejandro Vidal-López
Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 
Number of Pages: 
London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series 430
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Preface James C. Robinson, José L. Rodrigo, Witold Sadowski and Alejandro Vidal-López
1. Classical solutions to the two-dimensional Euler equations and elliptic boundary value problems, an overview Hugo Beirão da Veiga
2. Analyticity radii and the Navier–Stokes equations - recent results and applications Zachary Bradshaw, Zoran Grujić and Igor Kukavica
3. On the motion of a pendulum with a cavity entirely filled with a viscous liquid Giovanni P. Galdi and Giusy Mazzone
4. Modal dependency and nonlinear depletion in the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations John D. Gibbon
5. Boussinesq equations with zero viscosity or zero diffusivity - a review Weiwei Hu, Igor Kukavica, Fei Wang and Mohammed Ziane
6. Global regularity versus finite-time singularities - some paradigms on the effect of boundary conditions and certain perturbations Adam Larios and Edriss S. Titi
7. Parabolic Morrey spaces and mild solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations - an interesting answer through a silly method to a stupid question Pierre Gilles Lemarié-Rieusset
8. Well-posedness for the diffusive 3D Burgers equations with initial data in H1/2 Benjamin C. Pooley and James C. Robinson
9. On the Fursikov approach to the moment problem for the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations James C. Robinson and Alejandro Vidal-López
10. Some probabilistic topics in the Navier–Stokes equations Marco Romito.