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May 07, 2015
The MAA Officers Election ended on May 4, 2015. The officers elected are: President-elect, Deanna Haunsperger...
April 23, 2015
Competitors from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) at the 75th annual William Lowell Putnam Mathematical...
April 15, 2015
How did artist, mathematician, and MAA member Frank Farris create the arrestingly intricate Imaginary Planets...
March 27, 2015
Did you know MAA has​ 100 committees? From editorial boards to curriculum committees, from competitions to meetings,...
March 16, 2015
The MAA replaces one third of the section governors each year.  This year’s section ...
March 02, 2015
Project NExT Fellows join an active community of faculty who have gone on to become award-winning teachers, innovators...
February 18, 2015
Mathematicians of many shapes, sizes, ages, career paths, and interests gathered in San Antonio, Texas, January 10...
February 02, 2015
Sections elections begin Thursday, February 5. Nine Sections (Kansas, Missouri, New Jersey, Northeastern, Ohio, Pacific...
February 01, 2015
For several years, the MAA has conducted a study of Calculus I instruction in American colleges and universities...
February 01, 2015
Francis Edward Su, who has served as President-Elect for the last year, became MAA President effective February 1....
