MAA Notes Volumes
Notes Volume 6 - Toward a Lean and Lively Calculus
Description: Should calculus be taught differently? Can it? Common wisdom says “no”—which topics are taught, and when, are dictated by the logic of the subject and by client departments. The answer from the Sloan Foundation.
Notes Volume 8 - Calculus for a New Century
Description: Proceedings from a colloquium held in October 1987 in Washington, DC to discuss calculus reform. These proceedings show the full sweep of concerns and approaches of all the groups involved in calculus reform.
Notes Volume 11 - Keys to the Improved Instruction by Teaching Assistants and Part-Time Instructors
Description: This volume gathers information on policies, practices, successes, failures, and goals connected with the use of teaching assistants and part-time instructors.
Notes Volume 13 - Reshaping College Mathematics
Description: In this volume, Lynn Steen brings together a decade of reports to the Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics.
Notes Volume 14 - Mathematical Writing
Description: This is an all-out attack on the problem of teaching people the art of mathematical writing. This volume captures the spirit and substance of Knuth’s Stanford course: CS 209 Mathematical Writing.
Notes Volume 22 - Heeding the Call for Change: Suggestions for Curricular Action
Description: Each chapter in this volume highlights many options for constructive change in collegiate mathematics.
Notes Volume 27 - Learning by Discovery: A Lab Manual for Calculus
Description: This volume contains 28 laboratory modules, spanning the range of calculus for use by the classroom calculus teacher.
Notes Volume 28 - Calculus Problems for a New Century
Description: This volume emphasizes conceptual understanding over rote drill. Graphs and tables, rather than rules, are used to define functions, in the belief that “real world” data generally come that way.
Notes Volume 30 - Problems for Student Investigation
Description: This volume covers a variety of calculus topics. Students will learn how to use calculus to solve real problems.
Notes Volume 31 - Readings for Calculus
Description: This volume presents readings on the history of calculus and of mathematics, on the nature of mathematics and its applications, on the learning of calculus, and on the place of calculus and mathematics in society.
Description: Confronting the Core Curriculum is the report of a conference that examined the possibility of change in the first two-years of the undergraduate curriculum in mathematics.
Description: This handbook will help you improve your teaching by showing you how to take advantage of current technology to teach introductory mathematics courses.
Notes Volume 49 - Assessment Practices in Undergraduate Mathematics
Description: The collection of 72 articles offers the mathematics teacher suggestions for assessing testing and grading, teaching efficacy, how departments place students into courses, the effectiveness of the major, and the quantitative literacy of the graduating students.
Description: This volume offers practical suggestions and strategies both for instructors who are already using cooperative learning in their classes, and for those who are thinking about implementing it.
Description: Learning to Teach and Teaching to Learn is a self-contained and extensive resource that addresses this need. It describes training and mentoring activities that have been successfully used in a variety of settings.
Notes Volume 59 - Linear Algebra Gems: Assets for Undergraduate Mathematics
Description: The purpose of the present volume is to enrich the understanding of linear algebra for a wide audience by placing a broad collection of short items in the hands of teachers, students, and others who enjoy the subject. The seventy-three articles selected are organized into nine sections, with over 120 problems grouped into subject categories as a tenth section. Most articles are accessible to those with modest preparation in linear algebra, including beginning students.
Notes Volume 60 - Innovations in Teaching Abstract Algebra
Description: This collection of articles is the outgrowth of several gatherings of mathematicians who were interested in discussing the teaching and learning of abstract algebra. The Editors of Innovations in Teaching Abstract Algebra have chosen the articles appearing in the volume in order to acquaint readers about various technological innovations, to detail methods of teaching abstract algebra that engage students, and to share more general reflections on teaching an abstract algebra course.
Notes Volume 61 - Changing Core Mathematics
Description: Mathematicians, engineers, and physical scientists discuss how the first two years of a core college mathematics program should change over the next five to ten years to meet the mathematical needs of partner disciplines and society's needs arising from globalization and the information age. They examine issues related to goals and content, anticipated advances in technology, and new instructional techniques, and make recommendations for future course designs that emphasize modeling, inquiry, and conceptual understanding.
Notes Volume 62 - Achieving Quantitative Literacy: An Urgent Challenge for Higher Education
Description: Achieving Quantitative Literacy: An Urgent Challenge for Higher Education is a response to the expectation that society expects of higher education, namely, to prepare students for civic and economic life. The report includes findings and recommended responses concerning student preparation, public awareness, recognized benchmarks, effective assessment, and professional support.
Notes Volume 64 - Leading the Mathematical Sciences Department: A Resource for Chairs
Description: Leading the Mathematical Sciences Department: A Resource for Chairs provides insights and advice from mathematical science department chairs and administrators. The focus is on leadership rather than the technical details of management. The Wisdom of Practice contains advice from presidents, vice-presidents, provosts, deans, and chairs.
Notes Volume 65 - Innovations in Teaching Statistics
Description: Innovations in Teaching Statistics is a book of stories about teaching statistics. These stories are told by fourteen different instructors of innovative statistics courses, who demonstrate that learning statistics can be a positive, meaningful, and even exciting experience. Despite the prevailing opinion that statistics courses are dull and difficult for students, these stories paint quite a different picture.
Description: This book looks at the wide variety of ways in which math, statistics, and math education teachers have incorporated service-learning into their courses. These projects are not just stand-alone community service initiatives, but rather they specifically target the improvement of mathematics skills and insights of the college students in the courses with which they are associated.
Notes Volume 67 - Innovative Approaches to Undergraduate Mathematics Courses Beyond Calculus
Description: This book is meant to describe innovative approaches that have been used successfully by a variety of instructors in the undergraduate mathematics courses that follow calculus. This book is meant for the instructor. It will be very useful to anyone teaching a course beyond first year calculus. These would include: abstract algebra, applied mathematics, biostatistics, differential
equations, linear algebra, mathematical biology, module theory, multivariable calculus, number theory, probability, real analysis, statistics and topology.
Description: From Calculus to Computers is a resource for undergraduate teachers that provides ideas and materials for immediate adoption in the classroom and proven examples to motivate innovation by the reader. Contributions to this volume are from historians of mathematics and college mathematics instructors with years of experience and expertise in these subjects.
Notes Volume 69 - A Fresh Start for Collegiate Mathematics: Rethinking the Courses below Calculus
Description: The 49 papers in this volume examine how the mathematics courses below calculus might be refocused to provide better mathematical experiences for all students. The initiative involves a greater emphasis on conceptual understanding and de-emphasizes rote manipulation.
Notes Volume 70 - Current Practices in Quantitative Literacy
Description: Current Practices in Quantitative Literacy presents a wide sampling of efforts being made on campuses across the country to achieve our common goal of having a quantitatively literate citizenry. The essays suggest that we have moved forward a long way in our understanding of quantitative literacy and our ability to implement effective programs to teach it. Read the stories of other institutions who have worked through some of these issues and begin a dialogue on your own campus.
Notes Volume 71 - War Stories from Applied Math: Undergraduate Consultancy Projects
Description: This book deals with issues involved in setting up and running a program which allows undergraduate students to work on problems from real world sources. A number of practitioners share their experiences with the reader.
Notes Volume 72 - Hands On History: A Resource for Teaching Mathematics
Description: This volume is a compilation of articles from researchers and educators who use the history of mathematics to facilitate active learning in the classroom. The contributions range from simple devices such as the rectangular protractor that can be made in a geometry classroom, to elaborate models of descriptive geometry that can be used as a major project in a college mathematics course.
Description: The chapters in this volume convey insights from mathematics education research that have direct implications for anyone interested in improving teaching and learning in undergraduate mathematics. This synthesis of research on learning and teaching mathematics provides relevant information for any mathematics department or any individual faculty member who is working to improve introductory proof courses, the longitudinal coherence of precalculus through differential equations, students mathematical thinking and problem solving abilities, and students understanding of fundamental ideas such as variable, and rate of change.
Description: This book collects the work of 35 instructors who share their innovations and insights about teaching discrete mathematics. 19 classroom-tested projects, eleven history modules drawing on original sources, and five articles address a wide range of topics reflecting the breadth of content and audience in various discrete mathematics course.
Notes Volume 75 - The Moore Method: A Pathway to Learner-Centered Instruction
Description: The Moore Method: A Pathway to Learner-Centered Instruction offers a practical overview of the method as practiced by the four co-authors, serving as both a “how to” manual for implementing the method and an answer to the question, “What is the Moore Method?”
Notes Volume 76 - The Beauty of Fractals: Six Different Views
Description: The essays that appear in The Beauty of Fractals: Six Different Views are related to fractals, with perspectives different enough to give the reader a taste of the breadth of the subject.
Notes Volume 77 - Mathematical Time Capsules
Description: Mathematical Time Capsules offers teachers historical modules for immediate use in the mathematics classroom. Relevant history-based activities for a wide range of undergraduate and secondary mathematics courses are included.
Notes Volume 78 - Recent Developments on Introducing a Historical Dimension in Mathematics Education
Description: This book presents articles written by researchers detailing their own use of the history of mathematics in the teaching of mathematics at various levels of education. Some of the articles present theoretical perspectives on the use of history, while others give results of empirical studies on how the history of mathematics aided their students in understanding mathematical ideas.
Notes Volume 79 - Teaching Mathematics with Classroom Voting: With and Without Clickers
Description: This book is a collection of papers by different instructors discussing how they can use classroom voting with clickers in order to create a more active classroom and a more engaging learning environment. A wide range of courses are discussed, including college algebra, precalculus, calculus, statistics, linear algebra, and differential equations.
Notes Volume 80 - Resources for Preparing Middle School Mathematics Teachers
Description: The articles appearing in this volume were chosen to disseminate various middle school programs’ structures, to detail methods of teaching specific middle school teacher content courses, and to share materials and resources. The articles provide a rich set of readily available, classroom-tested resources.
Notes Volume 81 - Undergraduate Mathematics for the Life Sciences: Models, Processes, and Directions
Description: This volume contains 26 articles for mathematics and biology faculty who want to develop courses and programs in mathematics for life science students. Many of the articles also include links to resources that can be found on the internet, and some have associated books in print as well.
Notes Volume 82 - Applications of Mathematics in Economics
Description: Applications of Mathematics in Economics shows instructors what mathematics is used at the undergraduate level in various parts of economics. The volume’s self-contained sections are intended to provide students with opportunities to apply their mathematics in relevant economics contexts.
Notes Volume 83 - Doing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Mathematics
Description: If collegiate mathematics (or STEM) faculty want to know how to conduct scholarly investigations into their teaching and their students’ learning, this book is their how-to-guide. It is the first book on doing the scholarship of teaching and learning written by mathematicians for mathematicians.
Notes Volume 84 - Insights and Recommendations from the MAA National Study of College Calculus
Description: This volume comprises 40 short articles documenting interesting and effective techniques used to help students develop proof writing, reading, and comprehension skills.
Notes Volume 86 - Using the Philosophy of Mathematics in Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics
Description: This volume is a collection of mostly original essays by mathematicians and philosophers on the topic. Many of the ideas presented in this volume can be profitably carried into the classroom.
Notes Volume 87 - The Courses of History: Ideas for Developing a History of Mathematics Course
Description: This collection contains instructional resources, a variety of teaching practices, and detailed descriptions of history of mathematics courses. The Courses of History furnishes both novice and experienced instructors suggestions for how to make the history of mathematics course a better learning opportunity for both students and teachers.
Description: This chapter volume is meant to serve as a key update for those interested in learning more about the current state of QR/QL education at the post-secondary level. It includes sections on both theory and practice so that individuals may glimpse into the philosophy of QR/QL while also seeing such philosophy in practice.
Notes Volume 89 - MAA Instructional Practices Guide
Description: The MAA Instructional Practices Guide is designed as a how-to guide focused on mathematics instruction at the undergraduate level and based on the concept that effective teaching is supported by three foundational types of practices: classroom practices, assessment practices, and design practices, each informed by empirical research.
Notes Volume 90 - What Could They Possibly Be Thinking!?! Understanding your college math students
Description: A resource for college mathematics teachers and college-level professional development programs, each chapter provides examples of student thinking on a major topic in the undergraduate curriculum, analyzes that thinking, and summarizes findings from education research that provide insights into how students think about and learn such ideas.
Notes Volume 91 - Mathematical Themes in a First-Year Seminar, Jennifer Schaefer
Description: Mathematical Themes in a First-Year Seminar shares ideas for teaching a mathematically-oriented first-year seminar (FYS). This volume, containing 36 unique FYSs taught by authors from small liberal arts colleges to large research universities, serves as a handbook for faculty members interested in finding new topics, course structures, activities, or assignments to incorporate into any writing-intensive first-year experience course containing mathematical content or mathematical or quantitative themes.
Description: This volume serves as a resource for anyone interested in establishing sustainable educational interdisciplinary partnerships with their own institutions.
Notes Volume 94 - Expanding Undergraduate Research in Mathematics: Making UR more inclusive
Description: The purpose of this book is to look into the future. It attempts to predict what will be the emerging areas and new directions in mathematics undergraduate research in the next ten years (i.e., important areas that need more attention and once they receive it, will bring a big step forward to the mathematics undergraduate research community)
Description: In this book we introduce a way to share the results of having carefully crafted and refined a lesson over time, which we call Lesson Analysis Manuscripts (LAMs). LAMs can help us learn from each other, and incrementally improve undergraduate math teaching, through detailed accounts of specific lessons. We emphasize sharing knowledge and skills that aren’t usually part of our teaching conversations. The book includes 12 example LAMs to illustrate what sharing this type of teaching knowledge can look like.
Description: Justice Through the Lens of Calculus is a freely available MAA Notes Volume for anyone interested in building a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive math environment into their teaching and departmental practices. The volume contains case studies from over 30 institutions along with 8 cross-cutting thematic chapters written by math education researchers.
Description: This volume provides an extensive toolkit of equitable teaching strategies that have been tried and tested in college mathematics classrooms. These practices are brought to life with extensive examples and language that can be used in your teaching.
Notes Volume 98 - An Aspirational Approach to the Mathematical Preparation of Teachers
Description: An Aspirational Approach to the Mathematical Preparation of Teachers is the result of a collaborative effort between mathematics teacher educators and mathematicians to address secondary mathematics teaching in courses for undergraduate mathematics majors. This volume provides nine lessons, aligning with courses in single variable calculus, introduction to statistics, discrete mathematics or introduction to proof, and abstract algebra, that include applications to teaching to enhance prospective secondary teachers’ understanding of connections between undergraduate mathematics and school mathematics.
Notes Volume 99 - Using Data-Centric Methods to Teach Introductory Statistics
Description: Discover a new way to teach statistics with Using Data-Centric Methods to Teach Introductory Statistics. This MAA Notes volume tells the story of StatPREP— an initiative designed to empower statistics instructors to create data-driven learning opportunities. Traditionally, teaching introductory statistics has emphasized procedural methods, formula-driven instruction, and small datasets. While these methods provide a foundation, they do not fully equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate today’s data-centric world. The StatPREP approach reshapes traditional teaching methods, emphasizing real data and computational thinking. Whether you are looking to make a small change or fully transition to a data-centric approach, this resource offers guidance to make implementation seamless. Ready to transform your Introductory Statistics teaching? This volume is your guide.