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3D Plotter with PaperVision3D and Flex

Michael Lively

Flex 3 uses ActionScript 3, the same language as Flash CS3(Flex 3 is available for free to educators!), and it produces shockwave-flash (swf) files that run in any browser/operating system that supports the free Flash Player plugin from Adobe. PaperVision3D is an open source project that can be used in conjunction with either Flash or Flex to produce stunning 3D effects.

The demo applet below highlights some of the remarkable qualities of PaperVision3D applets.  Below the demo are links for source code as well as video tutorials for building this applet in PaperVision3D.

Michael Lively
Northern Kentucky University

Try the Demo

Click the screen shot below to try the interactive applet at The graph shown is the sine cardinal function f(r) = sin(r)/r (with f(0) = 1 by definition) plotted in cylindrical coordinates.

Download Source Code

Source code for this applet can be downloaded from by following the link below, choosing the Downloads tab, and clicking on  Note that this list is constantly being revised.  Check back often to find more examples and tutorials.

Watch Video Tutorials

The following links to youtube videos provide in two parts a complete walkthrough for creating the applet:

Read more about Flex and PaperVision3D

Michael Lively, "3D Plotter with PaperVision3D and Flex," Convergence (May 2008)